пятница, 19 февраля 2016 г.

Facebook Censorship is real, alive and well today.

Today, on February 19, 2016, Facebook has removed ALL my posts containing links to my Blogspot page krasovsky112[period]blogspot[period]com

See: https://www.facebook.com/krasovsky112/

Why? Because my Blogspot page looked "suspicious" and/or Facebook detected "suspicious behavior."

FYI, Blogspot is a part of Google's Blogger platform.

My Blogsp[ot page contained exactly the same posts that I made on Facebook, Twitter, Live Journal and VKontakte.com.

The only "suspicious" behavior that I can see are my recent posts on complaints filed by Ukrainian refugees against the Ukrainian Government with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

Over the last couple of years I have heard numerous stories of Facebook using contrived and/or false pretenses to remove posts and block Facebook pages containing materials highly critical of the Poroshenko-Yatsenyuk led Ukrainian government.

Supposedly, Anti-Russian Social Media trolls file contrived complaints with Facebook which leads to the removal of posts and even entire Facebook pages (accounts) with due process.

But that's just a pro-Putin conspiracy theory, right?

Well, let's see how Facebook handles complaints from this lawyer, as I take my freedom of speech pretty seriously.

If you've heard of or have experienced similar complaints with Facebook, then please let me know.

Grigory (Gregory) Krasovsky
Email: krasovsky112@yandex.ru


Американский сайт: http://krasovskylaw.com

Российский сайт: http://krasovsky.com

Фейсбук (Facebook): http://facebook.com/krasovsky112

Твиттер (Twitter): http://twitter.com/krasovsky112

В Контакте (V Kontakte): http://vk.com/krasovsky112

Живой Журнал (Live Journal): http://krasovsky112.livejournal.com

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